Apply to volunteer teach in Ghana

Apply to volunteer or intern in a Ghanaian school. Use the form below. Responses are usually very fast. You may be interested in what past participants have said about us.

    Your Name*

    Your first-choice program*

    Your second-choice program

    Your Email*

    Your Cell Phone Number*

    Your Age*

    Your Gender*

    Your Nationality*

    Intended Start Date*

    Intended Duration*

    Location Preference*
    I don't mindBig city (like Accra / Kumasi)Small or medium-sized town

    Washroom Preference*
    I don't mindFlush toilet and bucketDug-pit toilet and bucket

    Any Diet Restrictions?

    Emergency Contact Name*

    Emergency Contact Phone*

    Optional remarks

    Add your photo* (limit 900KB)

    How to fund-raise to volunteer


    1. Please I am the project coordinator of a foundation in Ghana that has built an educational facility providing free education to children in the community from creche to the junior high school level.
      Please can your institution help me with volunteers to teach in support of the community?
      Accommodation and feeding will be provided.
      Thank you and hope to hear from you soon

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